Let's draw desserts!
I made a video (thanks to Mr. Scarbrough for holding the camera) It's not great but I'll get better as I begin to create more video lessons. Enjoy. Leave comments so I can know what you like and what I need to do to make it easier to follow.
Wayne Thiebaud Videos:
Art Lesson:
Gumball Machine
Markers, crayons, colored pencils
stamp pad (if you have one)
Top of a glue bottle
A plate so you can trace a circle
1. Trace a circle onto the white paper at the top of the page.
2. Draw a base under the circle. (Draw lightly so it is easier to erase.)Draw a line behind your gumball machine.
3. Draw small circles inside the large circle to represent gumballs or use the glue top and ink pad to make gumballs.
4. Draw a coin slot and a hole for the gumball to exit the machine.
5. Color gumballs and the machine.
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